Thursday, February 5, 2009


Well, there's an awful lot of that going on lately. We have made some changes to our lives that have had a fairly positive affect on us:

Changes in our family circle...In the beginning of January, we brought B's brother, Brad, to live with us. He needed a fresh start and a calm environment to make it in, and we figure we can give it to him. So far, this has been a very positive adventure. We are all getting along beautifully and he even already has landed a job doing what he loves! He is helpful around the house, caring to the kids, and a good guy all around. We are enjoying his company quite a bit.

Changes in us...B and I began noticing how very "blah" our dinners were beginning to taste. We have been eating the same thing over and over and over for longer than I can even track. We are tired of fast cooking and easy kitchen living. My cholesterol is up, we both are dragging and just feeling "icky", and the boys hate almost everything healthy. So we made a decision to start the new year with a monthly menu and nothing but good cooking on it. I am proud to say that we have continued to stick to it for almost 6 weeks now and we are all noticing changes in the way we feel and behave! The added bonus to this is...drumroll please....I have lost enough weight (10 pounds) to finally be able to put on a pair of size 8 jeans AND close them AND breathe too!!! *cheer* My husband now refers to me as his "skinny hot wife" and has been so encouraging in this that I am noticing a definitely lift in the way I see myself. :)

Changes in T...Just before the holidays, I found a school for T to go to which is supposed to be one of the best in the nation. It's a Charter school called Basis. It has wonderful ratings and I managed to get him enrolled just in time for the 09/10 school year. It will push him harder than any other school he has been in and he will learn a ton of new things, but in spite of this, he is super excited about going. Mostly because he found out they have a Chess Club and that is one of his favorite things to do. My sweet boy is growing soo very fast on us that we can barely keep up with him! Well, for some reason, he locked up and brought home a report card that held 3 D's. We were very disappointed and upset with him and decided that his video games were becoming a distraction to him and his work. So, we took them away until he brought a better report home. Progress reports came home yesterday and I'm proud to say, his held one C and 4 A's!!! It worked beautifully!

Changes in our house...We have been struggling with N's increasing mobility for some time. He has discovered our TV stand and that he can touch all of the electronics on it. :( We got our tax refund back and went shopping for a new TV stand to fix this issue and fell in love with this one. It serves the purpose and is very nice looking too! We both liked it from the start and we purchased it and brought it home on Sunday!


3HappyHippies said...

First congrats on the size 8, that is freaking awesome. I hope that T is able to keep his grades moving in the right direction, he improved a lot without video games. The new school will be a challenge for all of you but hopefully a good one. Oh and the TV stand, its awesome. Holy crap is your TV big!

REENblack said...

Sounds like you have a lot of positive things going on!

Congrats on eating and feeling healthier!!! Slimming down is just an added bonus!!!

Hope T does well at the new school. Sounds like he will!

Looks like that tv stand will outsmart little man for a while! ;-)